My life is boring

Today was soooooooooooooo boring. I kind of wish my life was more interesting... here is a list of things i hate, just for fun.

snapple commercials
my math teacher
boring gym games that your teachers think are fun
Dolls that have eyes that seem to follow you around
Portraits of people that make you think their eyes are moving
news reporters voices that all sound the same
the name garfunkel (no offense for anyone who's name is garfunkel)
hype about snowstorms that never come
make up days for school
the smell of the guy that sits next to me
the olympics replacing The Office
when i can never finish hats/scarves/knitting projects
static-y hair
scratchy sweaters
junk that you don't want to get rid of (even though its junk)
whiney people
people that might say i'm whining (i'm doing this for fun, read above text)
people who "follow" other people
the color tickle me pink
the name of the color tickle me pink ( i mean, REALLY?)
purple plaid shirts (you will see i have NONE of those in my closet)
and our current economy.

thanks for reading folks, hope to talk to you soon!

February 26th, 2010 at 12:43am