Honesty For Myself and Others

Today I woke up and laughed at myself. The site of my body made me laugh, not because something was written on it but because I wasn't who I wanted to be...inside and out. Every girl looks through magazines wishing to be that beautiful, that thin, or that sexy but every time we try it seems we fall short. I watch the naturally pretty girls get the boyfriend's who work to be the best they can be. It seems I get the guys who aren't worth much. I may be picky and unrealistic but I've dealt with the angry, easy-to-trigger type of male dominant, who can end up hurting you. But back to my point.

I am going to start my work-out journey again because I don't want to be that "fat" girl in your friends pictures. I want to be the normal sized pretty girl. So here's my numbers...160lbs and my goal is to be 125llbs. When I was sixteen, I was 198lbs, so currently I've lost nearly 40 pounds, half way there. So I'm getting back on it because when I go back home to the people I love and move on to college, I want to be that girl in the magazine.

I'm going to be on Jillian Micheal's 30 Day Shred and work at it over and over, and hopefully start running again. Who knows. Today is Thursday, February 25, and by June 11 I will have achieved my goal.
February 26th, 2010 at 04:49am