8 letters; 3 words; 1 meaning.

My mom and I was arguing just now.
Hell, I forgot what it was about but...
it went out of hand. She accused me of not loving her and left for my grandma's house with my dad. I feel so...misunderstood. God, she made me cry.

To mom,
I know you can never read this post but I just need to say it.

I love you. More than anything in the world, I love you. I do not hate you. I can nevre hate you. You're my mom. I'm your flesh and blood, I couldn't hate you. How can I hate the woman who gave me life? Hate the person that brought me to existance. I don't hatew you.

I know I've change. I listen to loud music, wear eyeliner and tee-shirts with only band logos but that doesn't mean I do it to spite you. I just evolved. Its not wrong. I still want to be a writer. I am still afraid of prisons, I am still your daughter.

I never try to burden you. I know you're busy. You work all day and still have meetings with your team late into the night. Last month, I never once told you to pick me up from school even after all my practices and I was so tired I could barely walk. I never once mentioned about the National event I was in.

During Dinner, I never say anything about myself. I was there when you needed a listening ear. I wa sthere when your brother, my uncle, didn't want to do something special for your father, my grandad. I was ther as a supporting daughter, a listening ear and a shoulder to cry on. I would never leave you. I would take a bullet for you.

Mom, I love you to death and back. I dpon't know what I would do if you left.


Great, I'm crying. Fuck this!
June 1st, 2007 at 03:30pm