Death To Over Produced Music!

Remember way back when Metro Station was popular? When everyone had Shake It blasting in their car as they drove around? I hated every minute of it. Because I dislike that band.

I remember about eight months prior to Shake It being released as a single. It was around my birthday and I was at a record store with my best friend and my mom. My parents hate it when I buy CD's and prefer that I buy on iTunes(a whole different discussion), but for my birthday they always get me a CD. I was at the record store picking out my annual CD. I get into the M section, and stumble upon the CD of a band I had heard of through a recommendation from a friend. It was Metro Station.

Now, this is the part where, if I could rewrite my history, I would've put that CD down and forced younger me to buy Santi instead. Thus starting my awesome taste in music, but I can't go back in time, so me-then got the Metro Station CD. I listened to it constantly, and compared the album versions to the myspace versions. I go through this thing with every band where I youtube the band to see how they play live. If they can't play live, I don't listen to the band.

Before I go on, I must explain something. Both of my parents are music purists, and have raised me the same way. If a band can't play their shit live, they aren't worth listening to because they're just another over-produced, musically retarded group of good looking guys. I've lived by this and it hasn't failed me. I spent about an hour making sure that this band did indeed suck live. And I was a bit sad, because as simple as the lyrics are, their songs are undeniably catchy. But this helped me realize that the music industry is all about the package, and not about the raw talent anymore.

When everyone was going through their Metro Station phase, I laughed at them. I told all my friends that the band sucked live, but they didn't care. I think it's once Metro Station actually started touring that everyone realized they sucked. I recall that all my friends went to a local concert featuring Metro Station. They begged me to go, but I told them I wasn't going to subject my ears to torture. Without fail, I saw them the following Monday, and they told me hoe much the band sucked.

Now, I don't mean to sound like a music snob(which my best friend tells me I do come off as one), but there is a difference between editing a few stray notes that the singer didn't hit properly and having to auto-tune every damned song. Editing can be a useful tool in the studio, but it's not meant to be a crutch.

The worst part is, that these guys prance around stage like they shit singles every morning. This rant was brought about when I saw a promo video for Alice in Wonderland with Metro Station playing live as part of the musical act. Trace and Mason were thrashing around the stage like they were having seizures while strumming a power chord every 20 seconds or so. My daily piss has more musical talent than them, but they're popular? Maybe if I sang songs about sex and pranced around like them, I could make a couple million too.

The fact that the most unworthy people get a big break because their siblings are Disney sensations pissed me the hell off. You may go on with your life now. I'm done with my rant
February 27th, 2010 at 12:28am