Saigner Moi ( Damon Salvatore story intro)

If I tell you how everything happened you probably won't believe me. Things are not simple and neat in this little lost spot of the map, but the plot to my life has never been easy to tell, much less easy to hear. You must be aware that things have happened in an uncanny way, and I must get this clear: I'm not a heroine, at least not an overly good one, I have my justifications. Just hear me up.

Everything starts in the midst of an awfully dark night on a long train travel to a little Virginian town. How I got here? Running away, away from what, you are not ready to hear not yet. My expectations were low, to say the least, leaving the existence I was leaving, there was but one thing in my mind :Hiding. The secrecy of my plans was crucial and my intentions were to be isolated, to go under the radar and overall; wait.

Does that sound interesting enough?
February 27th, 2010 at 03:40am