(Revised) OH MY GOSH WHO KNEW!!!!!!!??????????

Well when I went to school while I was waiting for first period this guy has been intriguing me (I DON'T LIKE HIM!) but I kinda think he hates me. I mean I did beat the crap out of his friend with my book but he was talking about Pau what else was I suppose to do?. Anyway that was a little disturbing but then in second period we had this racist teacher. I'm so serious he was he gave us work and when me and my classmate (he's black) started to talk because we were both done he made him move all the way on the other side of the room. Not too mention one of my other classmates answered a question and he said she got it wrong (She's black). But when another classmate (Not black) answered the question she said the same thing and guess what SHE GOT IT RIGHT!

Ugh but whatever third and fourth were alright and then when I came home it got all better. First of all my ipod broke and so I needed a new one. My ipod was a nano but then as soon as I come in one I smell food specifically Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles. Two my parents tell me my aunt gave me my Christmas gift back (she gave me a jacket too small). So I went checked my gifts and got a cool jean jacket and sweatshirt no to mention I got awesomicals knee high socks and hello kitty leg warmers. Anyway my dad goes "Hey Logan can you check my itouch?" went and checked it to see there were two over there. I looked at them both and my parents just said surprise.

So yep now I got an itouch but I'm having no luck with syncing it so I still have an empty ipod. Oh and by the way did you know you aren't suppose to put dishwashing liquid in the dishwasher? WHO FREAKING KNEW!? Because now I've been cleaning up soap water and bubbles off of my kitchen floor. UGH! But hey Team USA is going to the Gold medal round so that's awesomicals. Thanks for listening or reading my rant if you read and I would appreciate the comments people.


1. Are you watching the Olympics?
2. What sports do you like the most in the Olympics?
3. Who are you rooting for the Olympics?

2. all of them
February 27th, 2010 at 06:51am