Take Your Hand Off The Keyboard And Step Away From The Computer

The question is at the bottom. Wouldn't want to waste your time.

I went into a chat room in Stickam that my friend was live in.

A girl began to bash me - and her grammar was utterly atrocious - and she began to yell at me because I made one comment about her hair because it looked like she hadn't taken a bath in weeks.

grl dun tlk abot muh hurr its beutiful da wai it iz

My brain had momentarily melted in a mush of nothingness just trying to read that.

I just don't get it. Who found it acceptable to type as if you can't control where your fingers hit the keyboard. I don't think it's that hard to spell out you instead of just typing the letter u.

Hey, there's this amazing invention. It's called the letter E. We had thrown a big party about it, sorry you weren't invited.

Yeah, I hate that too. Numbers being used as letters and what not.

Also, the one thing that annoys me more then ever is when a person says Yeah, I know my spelling and grammar are bad but yet don't take the time to go back and fix it.


Since most of you will ignore what's above, here's the question.
What's the one thing about Mibba journal users that annoys you?
February 27th, 2010 at 08:34pm