Problem with my boyfriend :'(

I've been dating my boyfriend for over two months now and I've never been happier. Well until recently that is. We hardly ever get to see eachother so we always communicate with our cellphones and he got his taken away a few weeks ago and now we don't talk much. We only see eachother at school now and we only have one period together. In the past week or so something has been wrong between us; hardly talking, short conversations, and not alot of kissing. We sit next to eachother in the one class we have together and normally we hold hands during class but we haven't for awhile now. Since it's the last period of the day we walk together to where we have to go to get home together, me walking home and him going to his bus, so we will normaly have a quick make-out session but we haven't for two weeks now.
I asked him if anything was wrong after school yesterday and he said there wasn't. Then I told that there was something wrong between us lately and all he said was that we'll figure it out. We couldn't really talk becuase he was about to miss his bus so he told me he loved me like anyother day and gave me a quick peck on the lips and left. It was the way he said we'll figure it out that seemed like it was practicaly over between us. When I was walking home I couldn't stop the tears that were trailing down my cheeks. I love my boyfriend with all my heart and I don't want something to happen to us. He's my best friend. He's the one who understands me. We've always been there for eachother. I need some advice please.
February 27th, 2010 at 10:44pm