Bad Times..(Boring News Reporting!)

So i first heard about how Okinawa in Japan was struck with an Earthquake the other day (me being a Japanese freak), and were expecting a tsunami heading their way. Well Japan is well known for their earthquakes, so it wasn't much of a shock, but still, i got a bit concerned for people over there.

THEN i hear that Chile had an earthquake, and they were expecting a tsunami.

Not long after, i hear Hawaii, the Phillipines, even Australia are getting warnings for tsunami's. And if that's not enough, i done a little research, since i had nothing better to do and found a list of all the areas receiving the same warnings:


After seeing that list, i was pretty much bricking it. All i could think of was the Mayan Prophecy of 2012. How all these earthquakes and disasters are supposed to lead up to 'the end of the world'. Well our weather has changed pretty drastically, and the disasters are just roling in now.

I can't say i really believe in the 2012 prophecy. But if the UK happened to get anything disasterous like a tsunami or huge earthquake, then i guess that would make me a firm believer that there's an end to come.. yeah i did hear about our apparant storm coming in.. :(

Anyways. I'm watching the CNN live report from Hawaii. I don't know why. I don't like the thought of it being shown to everyone, but at the same time i don't want to miss it. It's scary. And those idiots who are running down to see what's going on, they really are idiots. They should think about their safety, they have been warned. Reckless bums.

Other news..


I don't know about you guys, but i'm a firm Arsenal supporter. I don't even like sports, and always hated football, but i became a fan of Arsenal because i didn't like how one side of my family supported Man United. XD

Arsenal were playing against Stoke City this afternoon and Stoke ended up scoring the first goal in the first ten minutes. Gutting. But soon Arsenal drew, woop. It was looking like a draw up until the end, when disaster struck (yeah, we seem to be getting a lot of that). Aaron Ramsey, a 19 year old defender of Arsenal was tackled by Ryan Shawcross of SC, resulting in a serious injury. Reaaaal serious. It was actually sickening to watch.

The bottom of his leg was basically bent 90 degrees. The whole of the field were practically in tears and the camera avoided showing the area in which he lay on the ground with paramedics surrounding him. He was taken off in a stretcher and was getting sent straight to the hospital, and Shawcross received a red card for the tackle, though he was really shaken up about what had happened.

There's a picture going around showing Ramsey's injury, but i wouldn't want to pass it around. I think it's wrong to do so.

On a brighter note..


Falling Red is a band from Carlisle. I met the guys when they were supporting Acey Slade (Murderdolls) in Dumfries, and the lead singer Rozey was such a nice guy, he was helping me sort out my interview with Acey and made sure i was doing okay. Since then i've been keeping in contact with the guys, since they are kinda local anyways.

Yesterday i was surprised to see the guys on the news. I was sat there like 'I know them dudes!'. (:

Tonight is their Album Launch Party, which i was invited to, and was supposed to interview and record their performance. But unfortunately the damn venue had to have it's stupid rules that it's an 18+ show, so i had to cancel my plans.

You should check the guys out -

Going to try and get something sorted with them, a photoshoot maybe, if my college tutors let me!

February 27th, 2010 at 11:36pm