I agree with Christofer Drew: What is love?

I am ever-so happy for you! From the bottom of my heart!!!! I have known you- what, four years, now?- and, we have become the best of buds! (Oh no- SAP-WARNING!) When I first met you- let’s admit it, you had some issues- to put it lightly; family problems I specifically remember. I don’t want to preach your problems or anything, I am actually trying to make a point. Think about it- compare the problems then to now- in my opinion there are so few! But that’s really just my opinion… what im trying to say is that I think that you are so much happier than before and im so glad that I played a role in it- and you and Jesse don’t ACTUALLY disgust me! xD I am, however, very jealous! And let me tell you why, because this journal is ranty and I just want to type everything down. You, my bff, are exactly who the nerd herd says you are; a friend magnet. It really was no surprise you got all those immediate buds from anime club! When I heard that Jesse asked you out I was so excited, that and I knew that Jesse loved you for who you are! I knew it would make you even happier, and myself, never actually been ‘in love’ could only imagine how happy that made you. Note that I have existed through school with stupid crushes on stupid guys that I never really ‘liked’. So, now that I do have someone I really like it intimidates me that you got the person you love so quickly- I WANT THAT HAPPINESS!!! Anyway, I know what your thinking- “It’s just freshman year Kt, don’t rush! You’ll find someone!” And that makes me so mad! Because age doesn’t matter! There is not and age requirement for happiness!!!
Lol I just wanted to type that out. All in all- I am sooooo happy for you ? and I hope you stay that way- cuz im ur bud and that’s what im here for! xD
Well, well, well. Nothing much to say to u actually! xD Cept for the fact that I have finalized that I want to go to St. Mary’s College too, so I hope we both get in and I get asthma so we can get a room w/ AC! That would be so ironic if one of us did!
Umm…who else?
Mystery person whom u don’t know!!:
Well since you will never ever see this how about we talk about life? Yours is veryyyy interesting- mine on the other hand is a bit more boring + caffeine….= kt…
Thanks for saying that! It made me smile! ?
I’m sorry leah and Kathy who will never know who that is! ;)

P.S. I love Misha Collins. Just wanted to throw his name on the table so we can discuss his hot-ness! ;))))

Yeah so that was more like a “I typed and this is where I got” thing. You don’t have to comment if you don’t want to! But feel free to~! Sorry if this was a waste of your time- then again if it was maybe you shouldn’t be reading journals…? Hmmm…?
Oh! Another random note! This was originally going to be a rant of something totally different- but I'll save that for another all-nighter! ;)
February 28th, 2010 at 06:26am