50 facts about me. Just because.

I'm hella bored so I put together this long ass list of random shizz about me that nobody cares about. :D Ready?! Too bad.

1)Both of my parents are British.
2)I have six siblings, I am the 2nd youngest.
3)My arms and fingers are double jointed.
4)I dislike anti-gays. Love is love, who are you to judge.
5)I wear a 000 in pants.
6)My shoe size is a 3.
7)I have a birthmark on my left leg.
8)I will RARELY wear skirts or dresses.
9)I don't get harmed easily.
10)I sleep walk. When I wake up in the morning, my clothes will be inside out or off.
11)My biggest pet peeve is when people chew their nails.
12)Green is my favorite color.
13)Five is my favorite number.
14)I pulled the fire alarm at school once and had to apologize in front of the whole school.
15)I've never been to the doctors.
16)I've been in love once. I do miss it at times.
19)I probably cut my hair at least 20 times a year, myself.
20)My parents are hippies. Legit.
21)Kisses on the ear just happens to be my biggest turn on 0.o
22)I have those days where I'd rather sleep on a floor then a bed..
23)The ONLY time you'll ever see me really mad is if you insult one of my friends or one of my family members.
24)I'm a vegan since birth.
25)As far as religion goes, I really don't care for that stuff. But if you try to have an argument with me about this "god", you'll probably lose.
26)I'm a tap dancer.
27)I may not have 458973 friends but they're the best thing I have in this world <3
28)I thought pirates of the caribbean was scary. I can't watch any scary movie :/
29)I have the biggest fear of zombies and spiders.
30)I love my gameboy color.
31)Pokemon is hella legit.
32)I listen to a lot of different types of music.
33)My favorite show is animal cops.
34)I get home sick easily, I'd rather people come over then go out.
35)I laugh at almost anything.
36)A way I let out all of my emotions is writing poetry, it works like a charm.
37)I'll only eat raisins by itself.
38)I'm just now adjusting to soda.
39)I hate tomatoes.
40)I always make a wish at 11:11 because I'm just that cool.
41)As you can tell, I'm not photogenic.
42)I HATE MY NAME. When I think of the name Amelia, I think of some nerdy chick gripping on to her library books.
43)Hello Kitty is pretty awesome.
44)I have a huge crush on Oli Sykes. YUM YUM. ;D
45)People tell me that my laugh sounds like jiggly puff or tinkerbell?...
46)I have an alien sneeze, I've been told by many.
47)I don't like sneezing.
48)I was born in a barn. Really.
49)My favorite thing to eat just so happens to be trail mix. :D
50)If you read this whole thing, you're my new best friend and you should comment so I know you did. (:
February 28th, 2010 at 11:51pm