Your moans echo, all the time. | answer my questions?

So earlier today I remember thinking
"man, I really want to bring this up in a journal entry, see what response I get."

now of course, I've forgotten.

Hmm, Its interesting.
I seem to be getting closer to my work friends,
than my school friends.
And i actually want to.

Um, Um.
My dad decided to tell me, just as I reached work this morning,
that my mother and him are seperating.
and that my sisters and I are the reasons for it.
did I mention this was at about 5.30?
and that i'd slept a total of maybe an hour the night before...

an emotional morning, i can tell you.

Work was busy,
and I drank three cokes in the six hour shift.
I got home craving more coke, intensely.


- sailor moon or pokemon?
- first hand or second hand?
- one night stand or forever..,?
- Does love exist, if so, whats your definition for it...?
- Biggest age gap between you and a partner?

farewell, beautifuls.
March 1st, 2010 at 09:54am