My Life Now

I look back on all of my journals and I try to remember what made me write some of those things. I'm so over dramatic!

Update on Mickey: My Love, My Life. It didn't turn out as bad as I thought. Her family comes over for dinner, we hang out, hang all over each other, and mom doesn't give a shit. Unless we go into my bedroom. That is a BIG no no.] I do not understand. We even took Mickey's little sister, and that evidently is not enough. We're not allowed to be alone together. We text back and forth all day, we see each other at least once a week, and I can call her almost any time I want. (we've decided, that in 4 years, I am going to rescue her from the hell hole, and we will live happily ever
She hasn't texted me back in the last 24 hrs, and I'm a little worried. The last time she did that, she had the flu. This time she may be mad at me... I'm not sure, but I think I upset her last night. I've kinda been a bitch the last two weeks. I'm taking out all of the stress on her, and it's not fair because she's the only thing that's not stressing me out. She's the only thing I wouldn't give up right now. I think I could be dieing of hunger, frostbitten and naked, and as long as I had My MIckey, I would be happy.

Update on School: Going to college. Dual Credit stuff. Who wouldn't want to drop out of high school and start college early for free? I will have a Associate's degree when most people are entering their 1st year of college. A Bachelor"s by the time I am 20. I have decided to be a Social Worker. Ya'know those people who place Foster Kids in homes? Yeah, that's what I want to do. But I can also take care of old people with no family to take care of them. Or I can investigate cases of abuse in homes. I can also be an advocate for addicts or insane people. (that is not the direction I want to go. I have had enough of the addicts and mentally insane with my dad.)
I wrote about failing a test in one of my journals... almost 2 full years ago. I actually made a 68 on a test in college, and I cried that day, and it's not acceptable, but I don't really care anymore. My average is a 74, and I'm taking another test in a week, and I aim to get it up into the mid-80s with that test. :) Then I will be happy! (I'm really concerned about the class because it counts as two: English 1 and Government 1)
My other class I'm doing great in... they don't grade normal, but I think my grade is equivalent to a 97. That one also counts as two: Sociology 1 and History 1.

I haven't cut since December, and I had actually forgotten all about that. The reason for it was my step dad was really sick, he has seizures, and he was about to have one (you can tell when he's about to have one when he starts acting strange[r]), and no one was there who knew how to deal with it. I was afraid for his life, my life, and my family's financial situation. That seems to be my big thing. "Do we have the money?" I was thinking that if Pop died, we would loose our big new house. And that would suck.

Work: My boss loves me. She asks why more teenagers don't have a work ethic like mine. I give full credit to my mom. She may be a bitch, but she is a bitch who taught me how to work.
My male co-workers find endless amusement in teasing me. Evidently, I don't fit their stereotype of a lesbian. Daniel, one of my co-workers, tries to see how many stories he can get me to tell about my girlfriend in one day. (I love to talk about her, so I oblige) Frank likes to ask if I checked such-and-such girl out as she walked away. Miguel tries to see if he can make me blush.
The female co-workers keep forgetting I have a girlfriend. They want to hook me up with so-and-so. I actually had someone tell me I am a waste of beauty because I have taken myself out of the gene pool. Oh well, let them think what they want. Some of the girls won't talk to me anymore (ISABEL!).

Music: I'm learning to play the guitar. I have 3 chords down. I'm not that smooth at chord progressions, but that will come with time. Now if only I can find more time to play... Between work and 4 college classes, I don't have much of a week.
I am officially obsessed with the band Cinema Bizarre (kiro=loveliness). But I want some clarification: temporary break, or broke up?
Adam Lambert is god. J/K. but he's a great singer... if only he would stick to one genre... it's like.... His CD has as many songs as genres. Talk about a crossover artist!
My Chemical Romance. New Album Soon. Enough Said.
So Mickey has made me listen to a song... Ok... back up, start from the beginning. I have an issue with screaming. a little is OK, but when the whole song is screaming, it's not talent, it's the same kind of sound as static. (please do not attack me, read on) *fastforward to where I left off* it's called "Final Episode (Let's Change the Channel)" by Asking Alexandria. I.Am.In.Love. I just might go and buy music for once, just to get that song on my Ipod. Seriously though, it's amazing.
March 2nd, 2010 at 05:07am