No one reads anyone's actual journals anymore. Here are some questions you ***s. :)

Have any of you ever lost a pet? It sucks, doesn't it? Leaves a huge hole in your heart don't it?

Well at least, that's how it feels to me. And I want another cat but I don't want to replace Louie (my first cat who recently passed). But at the same time I know I can never replace him. My house just seems so empty without having him in it. Maybe the void could be better handled if I had a new cat here?

Our one acts are really coming along in drama class and I'm excited. Not really much to report here.

So, in order to help me feel better here are some questions

Have you ever lost a pet?
Did you dream about them for night after night afterwords?
How did you cope?

And how about some advice in the love department?

Is a person a whore/slut for not wanting to commit?
What's your take on someone losing their virginity at my age?
Is it bad to think you can find someone better but don't want to leave the person you are currently dating?
March 3rd, 2010 at 06:10am