Dude, this Netapet thing... I'm loving it!

At first I was all, "Wtf Dujo? Shouldn't you be working on Mibba?" but I'm over it now. Because Netapet is awesome and i don't care who says otherwise. I like looking at all the pretty pets everyone has, and commenting telling them how cute they are. I even made a topic for a thread because I was bored.

I want my dog, Aggie, to become internet famous. I want her to have a bunch of followers, and maybe she can start a blog or a vlog on youtube, then make live videos and broadcast them to her fan base. Then maybe she can dye her hair pink and get a really bad septum piercing, then go to some random record company and make her own CD of auto-tuned barking about how awesome and internet famous she is :)

If that were to happen, my life would be complete.

But I don't think my dog has the right attitude to be internet famous. My cat, Cotton, certainly does. She's sassy. And talks a lot. Although compared to my other dog, Buddy, Aggie's a bitch. Aggie also has the history and heart-wrenching story for her to be famous and get sympathy votes. She's like a Emo Mary-Sue where everything goes wrong in her young life, but then she get's adopted by rock-stars. Only the rock-stars are me and my family.

Here's what I wrote for her:

"We got Aggie in 2006. My friend breeds Jack Russel Terriers, and we were at his birthday party. There were these beautiful Jack Russel puppies just running around everywhere. One was a boy and the other was a girl. The girl was born with leg problems, and a few minutes after it was born she fell into a well. My friend who bred her, Johnny, heroically saved her and gave her mouth to mouth :] Sounds pretty awesome. But because of her leg issues, his dad was going to shoot it. We got Aggie that night, so we could save her. She's an awesome dog, even if she barks a lot and smells sometimes."

And every single thing of that is true. She's a beast, she deserves to be internet famous.

So, yeah. Add me on Netapet and maybe I can help your pets become internet famous, too. It's gonna be kick-ass, they can have our own little clique and date people from Metro Station and make their own jewelry and rape people via webcam for everyone to see.

Or, they can just post sexy pictures of themselves. Wait, since they're animals, aren't the pictures that we're posting are naked pictures? SCANDAL.
March 4th, 2010 at 12:26am