50 more facts about me. Because I have no life.

So since I had fun making my first "50 facts about me" journal, I'm making another one.
Yes, I have no life.
Yes, you will find most of the facts super random.

1)I was born with blonde hair, and it darkened as I got older.
2)I have ADHD.
3)I like raves.
4)I drive a hella crappy car.
5)I wish I wasn't so skinny and short.
6)I have a pet rabbit, a ball python, and a cat.
7)I was born in the UK, but only lived there until I was one.
8)I'm super perverted.
10)But unfortunately, I'm allergic to pineapple.
11)I go to sleep far too late, and wake up far too early.
12)The first thing I do when I wake up is look at myself in the mirror.
13)I don't really watch TV.
14)I get addicted to things easily.
15)I love thrift stores.
16)I was a major pothead back in the day.
17)I am a super heavy sleeper.
18)I have a tattoo of a dove on my left hip.
19)I've only ever had two boyfriends, and one girlfriend. :3
20)A lot of my friends outside of school are at least 4 years older than me.
21)I play guitar and sing.
22)I hate talking on the phone.
23)Coconut is so delish <3
24)I love where I live.
25)My socks usually never match.
26)I go to a school for the arts.
27)I hate silence.
28)I'm usually always cold.
29)When people make fun of me, it doesn't bother me.
30)I just made a wish because it's 11:11 here. :D
31)Imagination is amazing.
32)So are video games, books, and headbands.
33)My laptop has low battery. D:
34)I love posting things on bulletin boards.
35)I hug on average probably 10 people a day because I love to hug.
36)I'm very open about everything.
37)My weakest subject is math.
38)My birthday is on February 4th
39)I suck at sports like basketball but I love skateboarding, snowboarding, and surfing.
40)I miss playing outside until the street lights turned on.
41)Crayons smell good. :3
42)So do new shoes.
43)It annoys me when people point out the bad things about themselves.
44)I wear contacts.
45)I try to always be positive.
46)Americans do horrible British accents. >.>
47)I have the most "normal" name out of all my siblings.
48)My itouch is my best friend.
49)Rainbow is boss.
50)So, you know the drill if you read my last journal. If you read this whole thing, you're my new best friend and you should comment so I know you did. (:
March 4th, 2010 at 07:36am