
Okay, so....

Lately my updates have been scattered and less frequent, I thought I should probably, maybe explain why;

- I recently started a Childcare course, which is taking up a lot of my time, although it's only flexible delivery, I get a new module every two weeks which I have to read and highlight before doing an assessment.

- My makeup course is coming up soon and I'm trying to organise everything for that; I'll be away for a week at the end of May / beginning of June.

- I'm trying to organise my 19th birthday which is yet another Sydney trip, plus going on a ghost tour then to a club; yeah, alcohol, woo. (the club is alternative and I'm trying to get them to play the Paranoid remix just for me ^-^)

- I am now teaching guitar at the local primary school every Tuesday afternoon and, trust me, that is not easy; some of the kids have learning difficulties so I have to try and organise lessons that they can easily adapt too.

- Every Thursday afternoon I'm teaching guitar to one of the administration workers at the school, as well.

- I'm still trying to find some time to do my own music and stuff.

- Begging my parents to take me out driving more so that I can get my license.

- Saving to move from here to Melbourne next January.

I think that's just about everything that's going on, besides my over bearing Twitter obsession :]

So yeah, follow me on Twitter, I sometimes update about what I'm doing with my stories; but mostly it's just nonsense :]

March 4th, 2010 at 11:07am