Pictures to sooooothe the mind.

We all know the human race enjoys reading picture books much more than books with words only, so I can't help but think the same must be true for journals. So here's my first official picture journal, teaching you and telling you what I do to make my days as close to awesome as humanly possibly... starting.. NOW!

Love delicious, unsweetened, amazing iced tea, but fear the uncontrollably strong and unenjoyable bottled Lipton unsweetened tea? Then Gold Peak is the tea for you! Seriously. I buy one every day.

You know how adults say your taste buds change when you get older? I completely believe it, and it's happening to me right now. I've had 4 of these this Easter season already. I'm even considering buying.. *gulp*... peeps.
D: I shouldn't like this ooey gooey goodness!

Gucci made eyeglasses? Who knew? Well maybe you did, but I sure didn't! That is, until I bought some. I like them. A lot. And it's unfathomably nice to see again. I didn't realize how blind I really was.

... I'm not kidding. It's really that good.

I never thought I could like touch screen phones, let alone a full keyboard for texting (even though I could change it, if I so choose to), but I LOVE my phone. It really is the most organized, beastly, freakishly sweet, and awesome thing I can think of right now. Even better than the tea.

I owe a lot to this lovely mix of chemicals. Like... my car not burning itself to death. You see, I leak anti-freeze, a problem currently in the beginning works of finding something to fix it, and I go through this stuff like crazy. Does it suck? Yes. Is it necessary? An even bigger yes. Does Prestone own 3/4 of my soul? Yes.

This little thing is my salvation. You coudn't even begin to understand how important the things on it are to me. And I couldn't even begin to tell you.

These two men are why I haven't lost complete faith in society.

I bought this on a whim when it went 50% after Christmas. I really don't know how I went so long without knowing how great I could smell if I wore this.


Comment if you see something awesome!
March 5th, 2010 at 06:32am