There is someone there for everybody.

Hey mibba this time I am writing my entry straight from my highschool. Good ol' P.S.H.
Well as I have suddenly found myself with some free time I decided to write up this entry because I have observed a very intresting situation.
People will often drift towards other just like them. I am looking around and the potheads stick with the potheads,the nerds with the nerds and so on and so forth. Looking into it further I saw that the same could be said for relationships.
For example as I looked around the library I saw 3 couples.
One was a white couple very both good looking and very chipper
Secound I saw another couple both in all black heads down both were shy and both looked about the same level on appearances.
Third I saw an asian couple working in the library doing some math problems they both bickered but they were holding hands the whole time.
So it seems there is someone for someone
March 5th, 2010 at 05:14pm