
I finally came to the conclusion that I will move in with Matt no matter if his best friend was going to be living there. I really don't want to deal with Cody, and it's like, when I move in, it's like me and Matt starting a new life. If Cody was there, it would be like starting a new life with his best friend included in it, 24/7. What's worse? Me staying at home and having to deal with my step-dad for I don't know how many more years or dealing with Cody? I'd rather deal with Cody. Sooner or later, I would throw a brick at my step-dad and tell him to shut up..

I absolutely hate my step dad. I have had a bad vibe about him ever since he married my mom. He completely changed. In the beginning, he was a suck up, but soon he just became a a-hole. He has yelled at my mom countless times for either bringing up something that my step brother had done or because he gives her attitude about something. He has almost choked my brother, drowning him in the pool, and yelled at him countless times.

I'm glad that I have a relationship with my sister in law again, because she actually seems really nice when you get on her good side. I'm thinking of asking her about hanging out soon. If I want a relationship with my brother, it would be a good idea to get to know Lisa a little more and get used to the fact she is kind of my sister.

For the first time I have a very busy weekend and I'm proud of it. Hopefully I don't have to blow off any plans like I had to do last weekend because my mom said I couldn't drive anywhere unnecessary until I could get gas. I'm kind of excited of working with my group on this documentary project. It'll be fun.
March 5th, 2010 at 05:31pm