Ok I'm back and with a lot

Ok first of all HI PEOPLE I'M BACK! Oh and I'm typing this on my Itouch which has been a pain. Ok first of all I got this thing last Friday I believe and it started working today. The only reason it just started working is because it's a new one. I'd been messing with the first one for the whole week and guess what IT WAS STILL BEING DUMB. So my mom and grandma returned it and I got a new one that actually works. So now I'm writing on it weird hmm so anyway I then got a new phone. Me and my mom had been sharing a phone for over two years and Thursday we both got new phones. To be honest I got a cool phone but I would've been happy if it wasn't because what I consider a cool phone is a working phone.

So that was done oh and I got mad on Friday because I own Direct TV and for the sports packages you have to pay for they have free trials. So I'm a huge sports fan if you didn't know and watch a whole bunch of sports. So anyway they've had free trials for all the packages and apparently they do them twice. So after the basketball free trial came it's second time I'd been looking for the NHL free trial because I'm a penguins fan and live in LA (only because my dad is a cheapo >.<) and hadn't seen it until yesterday. Unfortunately I had to find out from a commercial it started on Tuesday. FREAKING TUESDAY I COULD'VE WATCHED TWO PENS GAMES! I got to watch them this morning and I get to watch them tomorrow but the trial ends on Monday BLARGH!

So cha that's what's happened oh yeah another thing MY MOM IS FRICKEN PREGNANT POSSIBLY WITH TWINS! I mean come on me and my sister are already six years apart and now I'm going to have sibling or siblings 13 years younger than me. I mean really does that make sense. Oh and she just threw up and is so emotional. Gosh I do not like pregnant women I mean no offense to anyone but just ugh. I know you're the one who has to do all the work I truly do but do they realize they are handfuls too? Oh and she had another seizure today. Heh pretty scary but I guess you just learn to deal with it. Ok it got too serious so I'm gonna go. BYE!


1. Have you dealt with pregnant women?
2. How did you deal?
March 7th, 2010 at 02:03am