Meet My Boyfriend and My Bestfriend [:

His name is Wade Scott Powell .
Hes 14 years old ; he goes to Valley [:
He's a skater ; he couldnt live without his board <3
he may be retarded but i still love him .
hes scared of alice in wonderland xD
he has two dogs (insidderr) [:
i love his little sister & his cousin ! [:

Her Name Is Kristin Annmarie Schwendau.
She's 13 years old ; and goes to Stuart. [:
She's a freak ; but i love her. [:
i enjoy beating her with shampoo bottles xD
she's my bffaetddupbiidbyiwcbahy <3
haha ,
She's my baby chicken ! [:
I love her step-brother Dylan ; and his robe <3
tehe [:

them !

March 7th, 2010 at 04:15am