Can't stop listenig to panic at the disco...

So yeah,the title explains it all I guess.

I'm constantly listening to their albums at this moment. I was a major fan of them last year,always searching them up on YouTube and such,I even started reading some fanfiction.
I actually cried when I found out about the break-up. It was something I didn't excpect. I just miss them very much.

I saw them live once. It was the second best concert of my life (first is Jonas Brothers). And I've always been kind of a Rydon fan. I just love them together. They fit perfectly.

I even started writing a story 'Tell me it's not over',first chapter is posted on this site.

They were such an amazing bend. And only Brendon&Spencer is just so...not Panic at the disco. I hope that they will get back together some day. That probably won't happen but I can always hope.

Anyway,this Is my first journal. Yaaay.
Peace out <3.
March 7th, 2010 at 04:41pm