Story layout---Opinions Needed Asap!


Ok so, I wanna change the layout for my story but before I do, I’d love your opinion. The reason the layout I have now is light is because it’s easier on the eyes when you read (I’ve tested it myself) but a darker background fits with the theme of the story. So what I wanna know is:

- Do you prefer a darker or lighter background?

- Does the look matter more than the function (fits the theme vs easier on the eyes)?

- What would attract you to the story more, a darker layout or a lighter one?

All opinions are welcome, but please state them as soon as possible. The layout’s gonna change regardless (just to change things up a bit), but I wanna change it before posting the next chapter.

Btw, for those that haven't read y story but are reading this entry, my story's a supernatural one mixed with metaphysics, but does have comedic parts as well as romance (which hasn't developed yet lol), action, horror and drama.

EDIT: The layout has been changed! Let me know what you guys think of the new, darker layout :)
March 8th, 2010 at 06:21pm