Please Don't Forget Today

Today. Today you breathe. Today you see and you hear, you exist and you know. Today you are alive. Today you have the opportunity to experience our world. Today you can go lie in the grass and soak up the sun, or you can dance in the rain. You can watch the snow fall, or rake the multicolored leaves lying on the ground. You can climb a tree and watch as people walk below. You can lie on the beach, feel the sand between your toes and watch the waves crash against the shoreline. Today you can make coffee and read a good book. You can get together with everyone you know or hang out with your family. You can enjoy being with your best fried, or the love of your life, or just be happy in the company of your own. You can bask in the fact that YOU ARE ALIVE!

Today I want you to know that no matter how today feels, it is a great gift to you. I can promise you that no matter what happens, you can get through things. You can be happy. You can talk to people. Whether that be to family, friends, or loved ones. It can be anyone. It can be to a professional if that’s what you need. It can be to someone on here. Someone is always willing to listen, even if you don’t see that. People care for you and love you and you deserve to love yourself. You should love today just as today loves you. I know loving life can be hard, but it can be achieved. Hope really does exist. Sometimes it’s impossible to see, but it is there. You can live again and you can continue to live. The world is wide and it is yours to enjoy.

I just thought you all should know that.
March 8th, 2010 at 09:25pm