just more bullshnizzle

so i moved AGAIN(if you read the last journal,you'll get this) so im in a larger house now, somewhere in cassellberry. it's a nice place, rather small, quiet, all around boring. ive been skateboarding aroound, found some great spots, so you know, woohoo!

moving here was kinda fun and painful. my body has been sore for weeks cause of it. moving a box, i slice my hand open, and my damned mother made it worse. so i finished moving by myself, basiclly covered in blood, HAHAHA! Then i had to go back a clean out and repaint the old apartment, oh joy!

The first day at my new school, Lake Howell High School, was pretty ok. my new principle was infuriating! " I've already taken, and passed honors algebra, ma'am." I said.
"Well with two days before the FCAT, you should just take them again."
"So your taking half of my day away FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR...for two days?"
i swear, anyone can be a teacher these days. But aside from that, things are pretty cool. i just stay back, shut up untill i know everyone, and things go smooth. but that ONE time i talk...my FIRST day...only SECOND period...a girl has a crush on me. now i won't lie, because she is friggin' adorable, funny as hell, and really nice, so i might just take her up on her offer.

the classes are really slow, but otherwise, i'm gonna be just fine. The business(not sure if i mentioned it in last journal) is starting to take off, we are finally making some profit.

so those are my thoughts at the moment, if you wanna talk, just message me.
Jack Allen Young "Irish"
March 8th, 2010 at 10:33pm