I'm new to Mibba and I need your help!

So like the title says I just joined Mibba! I used to be on Quizilla (I still am but only to post one shots I promised) but I decided this morning that I needed a new place to post my fanfics. There's just a few things that worry me about Mibba.
First of all, do people write one shots? And by that I mean like one shots where somebody meets a celebrity, they go on some sort of date, they're in love by the end, ect. And do people request them like they do on Quizilla?
Second, is everyone on here an amazing writer or is it just me who thinks this? I've been browsing through a couple stories today and I must say the writing here is a HUGE step up from Quizilla. It's really awesome because I'm starting to find fanfics that I don't find painful to read. But it worries me because I'm not nearly as good a writer as the people on here. I don't know whether or not I should even bother moving my stories from Quizilla to here if all it means is that people will think I'm a terrible writer or not read my stories at all.
If somebody could please help me out I'd be very grateful :)
March 9th, 2010 at 03:54am