Halo or Call of duty?

hay its repers redemption. Im going to be talking about halo versus call of duty allot of you who dont know what im talking about please exite the journal now. I play halo because in my opinion halo has a better story line and fair online play. This is one of my issues with C.O.D in the newest game you can get a nuke and bomb every one on the map how is that fair? In halo online the only factors that tip the odds are the active camo powerup and shield powerup. Also Call of duty keeps changing the story line its so frustrating. Alsoo in my school and on the internet Halo wins

here are soome neat games i played
Chibi knight
and my favorite plasma burst

please leave a comment about which you think is bettter
March 9th, 2010 at 06:41am