25th February 2010

I went to school and it turned out that me and my friend Tasha were going to another school to do extra art work ( yay! ). We usually go to different schools to work. I love art and I draw anime, so does my friend. It turned out that we were going to a school called Rainbow College. It wasn't atually a college, it was a high school. I was so excited, we had been there loads of times. I hated my school but because we went to other schools so often, we didn't really get to see our school so that was good. We had to go in partners when we got there. I went with Tasha. Then we had break. Afterwards we had to get into pairs again but the teacher told us who we were going with. I thought I would go with one of the girls I hated that went there, but it turned out better. I was paired with the boy of my dreams. Even though we were at different schools, I still loved him. He didn't seem bothered that he was my partner. We worked together well but but he didn't seem intrested in me.
Sorry, I might explain the rest later if you want to know! Remember, this was on the 25th February 2010 so it wasn't the day I made this!
March 9th, 2010 at 05:56pm