My Harry Potter themed Party (with pictures + questions)

Hi guys (:

So I'm a Girl Guide (well now I'm actually a Young Leader training for my Adult Leader Qualification, but whatever) and today I was finally awared my Baden-Powell Award badge!

It's the highest honour a Guide can get, and you have to all sorts of things like organize evenings, give presentaions, take up hobbies and even have to go on a spcial camp. Loads of effort, ha.

My friend Rhiannon and I have been working towards this badge for four years now (*gulp* I know I was thirteen when I started, I'll be seventeen on monday) and today we finally got to see the actual, tangiable thing.

It was blue and shiny (:

Anywho, we had to organise a party with a theme so of course we picked Harry Potter. I was going to go as Remus but I have black hair so I thought I'd go as teenage Sirius instead :3

We played games and ate HP-themed food and everybody dressed up and made an effort it was great.

Me in my 'Gryffindor' tie, black doggy ears and a moon and star on my cheek!


My little six year old niece came long too, she had such a good time it was adorable.


I hadn't been on mibba for a few years and when I came back there was this trend of putting questions at the end of your journals. I quite like it (: I think we all know here the only reason they are popular is because everybody is narcissictic to a certain extent and love talking about themselves.

Anyway, my questions are

1. Do you go to Guides/Girl Scouts/ect?
2. Ever done your Baden-Powell badge?
3. Do you like Harry Potter?
4. If you could have a themed party, what would yours be?
5. If you've seen it, do you like the new Alice In Wonderland film?

1. Yes since I was seven
2. Yes, finally!
3. It's my life. (:
4. Alice In Wonderland. But we're having a Glee themed night next! I can't wait!!
5. Absolutely loved it, can't wait to see it again. The Red Queen is hilerious, just like Queenie from Blackadder!

[EDIT] Sorry about the pic sizes 0_o I am electronically inept.
March 9th, 2010 at 11:25pm