Overdue Apology.

So as you may have noticed, if you've been on my profile, I haven't been on in almost two months. Not because I didn't want to be but because I haven't time or the motivation to be. Things are crazy in the life of Lisa.

I graduate in less than 3 months.
I become legal in less than a month.
I have 164 days until I am moved into my college dorm.
I am sort of kind of dating a 21 year old...not sure what you'd call us.
One of my friends has become promiscuous...not sure how I feel about that.
Suicide has been on my mind even though I have absolutely NOTHING to die for. I love my life just the way it is.
I've lost my motivation and my spark for writing music and I thought that'd be something I'd be doing forever.
I'm slowly starting to realize that I'm pushing everyone away, even my own mother whom I love very much, and that scares me to no end.

That is all I suppose.

Sorry if this is too detailed or too forward for some of you if you've talked to me before.

March 10th, 2010 at 01:35am