My Own Amusement.

So, I was in tech, and our teacher is a total a-hole. His name is Mr. Immadouche. okay, that's not ACTUALLY his name, but I'm not gonna write his real name for obvious reasons. The first one being the fact that he probably stalks me and reads everything I've ever written, so I'd get arrested if I put his real name. Anyway, I was in tech, and I didn't have my homework done (I know, who gives homework in TECH?) and I thought he was gonna send me to the principals office right away ( he does that every chance he gets) but we ended up not having to do that homework anyways. But that's not the point. All through core I was imagining different ways to tell him to go screw himself, and I had myself worked up for nothing. I was ready to punch him out when I walked into the lab, and then we didn't have to do it. What a let down.
However, I thought I'd share some of those (heh heh) fantasies with you. This is my first journal, so bear with me. I have no idea what I'm doing. Oh, well, this is purely for my own amusement.

Scenario 1:
Mr. Immadouche: "Why don't you have your assignment done?"
Me: "Because I forgot about it." (he doesn't take excuses, so I'd figured I'd get right to the point.)
Him: "You think I care about whether you forgot it? I'm wasting my class time, because you 'forgot'"
Me: "Well, maybe if I actually had a teacher I liked in tech, I would get my homework done more often."
Him: (staring at me open mouthed) "That's okay, control your attitude. I just want to know what you're going to do about it."
Me: "Well, I thought I take it home.."
Him: (nodding for me to continue)
Me: "Burn it, blast some Flyleaf and dance in front of my living room window wearing nothing but my bathing suit, while shouting curses into the air about how much of an ass you are."
(Then the class would applaud me as I punched him in the face and brake his jaw.)

Scenario 2:
Mr. Immadouche: "Why don't you have your homework done?"
Me: "Because I forgot."
Him: "You forgot? Okay. let me get my violin out, and you can tell the sad story of WHY you forgot." (He actually pretended to be playing violin in class once, added some simpering vocals that sound a lot like a dying cow, and viola. You have my teacher. And a class full of teenagers trying not to bust a gut.)
Me: (sniffing theatrically) "Well, my dog died. It was an accident really, but I can help but blame the poor bastard who beat him to death because he was trying to chew his leg off."
Him: (mouth gaping)
Me: "Is that a good enough sob story for you? I could continue if you'd like...?"

Scenario 3:
Mr. Immadouche: "Why is your sheet blank?"
Me: "Because I couldn't find a pencil."
Him: (repeating me) "You couldn't find a pencil?"
Me: "Yupp. I gave my only one to my sister, and she shoved it up her ass so no one else would steal it, and now she cant get it out. I should feel bad for her, but it was her own stupid fault."
Him: (staring at me speechless. notice he does that a lot?)
Me: "Yeah, suck on that Mr. Immadouche."

Heh heh heh, hope you like it. My brain can work in mysterious ways.
comments please.
March 10th, 2010 at 01:45am