Percy Jackson and Son of hades

Hello today i took a quiz on which greek god son say this I tried an amazing new ice cream I would be and im hades! yay! Anyway first I have to its called "Candy Jar" it has caramel ,peanut butter cups, peanut brittle and pieces of choclate all in caramel ice cream. Have you seen th Percy jackson movie? It was good but I was scared to see it after reading Eragon and watching the movie. But this was not a dissapiont it fallowed the plot of the book very well a few frustrating facts such as dynosis was not in the movie and niether was clariase but anyway over all it was very good. So I have three Questions today thanks for Reading
Todays questions:

Whats your favorite Ice cream? mine would have to be starbucks coffee ice cream

What book or game should they make a movie? I say they should make an Eldest movie as long as they dont totally mess up the plot again

Which greek god would you be son or daughter of? I would be son of Hades
March 11th, 2010 at 12:58am