Blah...(needing advice)

I am bored out of my mind.
I really wish people who read my story, i need more opinions on it.
I really hate how life has it's up and doown..
Ohh, i need advice on something....
ready.. okay here it is...

There is this girl who goes to school with me and she likes me and has for like a year, but i watch her jump around from guy to guy and i don't trust her as far as i can throw her. Not to mention i am still over head in love with an ex. (Btw I'm bisexual) Anyways, I don't know what to do or, how to tell her i'm just not intrested without hurting her feelings...

Anybody have any suggestions, they are greatly needed. lol.

If you have any advice please be brutely honest with it... I need anything i can get.
March 11th, 2010 at 07:08pm