Love, Lust and Pixie Dust.

Iyr. :D

Okay, so, I need some kind of.. inspiration for a story? I guess I have writer's block, but I have no ideas at the moment. I'll probably end up writing a story about talking moose. Or is that meese? Or moosi? Or mooses? ¬_¬

But anyway, journals I CAN do. Because I can just ramble on senselessly, boring you all to death. It's what I do best.

Did you know that ants don't sleep? :P I wanna be an ant. I feel like I waste a lot of my life sleeping. Which I do. Everyone does. Except ants, of course.

'The topic of your journal has to be something worthwhile and can't be silly spam. You need to put effort into your journals.'

Guess i'm fucked then. :)

I 'spose i'm a generally nice person. A little quiet, maybe a little annoying. LOL. A little.
Yeah. Anyway. No. xD

I guess the reason I wrote this is advice for a story? 8-)
And also because I wanted to ramble on for a bit. :3 Hehee.
March 11th, 2010 at 10:31pm