If you cant please them please yourself

Oh the lovely experiences of high school there wonderful are they not the people the teachers just every person you meet full of life...if your nodding your head up and down and agreeing to this you do not understand the concept of a hyperbole or a lie for that matter.High school could be one of the most depressing things created. The classes alone make you wine and groan in pain and why is that..my band instructor says it is because all teenagers come into high school with a lazy/shy mentality. Its his belief that we are afraid of being successful! We are afraid what our peers will think we our afraid to be called lame uncool or geek. Well forget them! Its up to you! If you cant please them please yourself and be what you want to be what your heart tells you to be. Not what your peers or what society says will lead to a pleasing life. If you can do that i promise the wining and groaning will die down but not completely because everyones entitled to a little ugh every once in a while. Ha ha and who knows if your friends see how rewarding this new not failing life style of yours is maybe they will follow suite. If this situation doesn't concern you and your friends keep and mind that this situation is happening to others all across the world and an encouraging word would be very appreciated im absolutely sure of it. So just to recap if you cant please them please yourself!
March 11th, 2010 at 11:53pm