We were born to be on Maury (tired of mibba? Animal Farm)

Hey guys! It's been awhile since I last wrote a journal. Like two weeks I think. I've just been really busy and I think that was lame excuse number one.

I was actually busy, but to tell you the truth I was getting kind of tired of Mibba. I guess I just stopped seeing the point. I do the same thing every time I get on. Check comments. Reply. Read journals. Write a Journal. Check out some random person's profile. Read journal comments. Log off.

I rarely have time to update anything on a week day so I would never do that. It just all got really blah-ish to me. And then for a day or two I started questioning why I even write anyway. I forgot why I love it and I started telling myself that I'll never get published anyway. Then I got it in my head that no one even reads my stories.

Have you ever felt like that? When you just thought Why does it even matter? and then you go lye in bed and put your ipod on full blast. That's how I've been the past few weeks. Well, there was one day I spent actually doing homework but that's it.

Well, I'm back and remembering why I love Mibba so much


Today I married Corey. Stephanie made us rings and everything. Then at lunch he asked some other girl to marry him so I was like What. The. Fuck. So I went and married his friend. Then Corey got all mad. Stephanie told us to go on Maury.

Yeah, my friends are lame. We only got married because someone started talking about elementary school and when we had fake weddings at recess.

It's fun to be a kid again.

We're reading Animal Farm in english. I have one word for it.


The freaking animals are talking and they took over the farm and they read and write and they act like humans! How the hell am I supposed to take this book seriously?? And it's really boring. I would really rather just plain out read about the Russian Revolution. I don't see why it had to be disguised by crazy pigs.

Oh and don't even get me started on Stalin! I knew he was a bad guy but I never knew just how bad.

Reptiles are unable to experience dizziness.

Have you ever gotten tired of Mibba?
Who did you fake marry?
What are your views on Animal Farm?

March 12th, 2010 at 01:14am