I am so tired of body image issues in teenagers.

Body image issues.
A lot of us have them.
Most of us have them.
But this is just ridiculous.

Today in class I overheard these two girls talking about how "fat" they are. They kept grabbing at their non-existent fat and I just wanted to jump up and scream "THERE'S NOTHING THERE TO GRAB!" That wasn't even the worst of it. One of them said that they envied anorexics. That just wanted to make me get up and slap both of them across the face. Take it from someone who used to be anorexic, it's nothing to be proud of. It's nothing fun. It just screws up your body in the long run.

But don't get me wrong. I don't think the people who feel like they have to resort to that are stupid. They've just been fooled by society because there's so much pressure to be skinny. I'm pretty much to the point of tears now. So I'll just end it at this, I just want to let all the people out there that have body image issues to know that being skinny isn't everything in life. Life should be about happiness and if you aren't happy unless you're stick skinny then that's really sad.

I wish that we could live in a world where it all doesn't matter. But then again, I wish a lot of things were different.
March 12th, 2010 at 04:23pm