Just felt the need to write

Hello world, how are you tonight? Where I am, it is 11:21 pm, and very quiet, seeing as I am babysitting, and am currently the only person awake.I'm not quite sure where this is heading just yet, but I do have alot of thoughts running through my mind.I would like to say, that I am a very happy girl right now.My life is good, my mind is relaxed, some what, and my outlook is positive.I am feeling alive, and productive, and powerful.The sight of the sunrise every morning,the green grass poking through the cracks, make me feel, renewed, awake, and refreshed.I feel safe, and loved, and happy.I have friends and family that care for me, and an amazing boyfriend who loves me, and who I love back.I am comfortable with the life I have and the person I am.I'm learning,I'm living, I'm just being.I starting to change the way I see myself, starting to believe Darren when he calls me beautiful, and perfect, though, there are still days when thats difficult.I am enjoying school, and love the fact that I get to spend most of my day doing things I love, singing, being on stage, spending time around like minded people who are all there for the same reason, working on the same project, slowly becoming a family, a disfunctional family, but a family none the less.I am a wild, passionate creative girl, who has found someone just as wild to run with <3 I am in love. With life, with learning,with art, and with Darren, who is the most amazing, perfect, wonderful boy that I have ever met. I love everything about him, and feel like we are a perfect fit, completely connected and balanced, right for each other.We can just be, neither of us have to try to hard, because we are already everything the other needs and wants.I get to be me, and finally feel like I have someone who takes me as I am, every part of me.I've always thought he was perfect, first as my friend, and now, as my boyfriend.So, I guess the point of this was to let other people in to my little fiece of joy.

Arriana Glory Lee-Page, Seizing the day, loving the world, loving him, and, loving herself.
March 13th, 2010 at 05:58am