Looking for like, not searching for love

All of a sudden you came into my life and I was so surprised. You made me feel...words can't even describe how I felt. I was also scared and even hough I was looking for a boyfriend, I didn't expect to find love. At least thats what I think it is. Anyway, things were so great, but so much has changed and I'm still scared. Why? I have no idea. I wanna know how you feel and I sure as hell don't want to be confused anymore. Thats why I made that pact and no matter how I feel for you, it is not going to get broken. Why can't I just ask you and get it over with? Its because of me being scared and me getting hurt. I just can't believe this has all happened in the portion of a short few months. Love at first sight is beginning to look real and more real everyday.
March 14th, 2010 at 12:38am