Hellllloooo people I'm back again! Ok so a lot has happened in the past week. So for all of you who read my last journal you know my mommy is pregnant. So we found out what she's having and it's a boy. YAY! No more girls in the house. My daddy is also very happy. Now let me get this straight my parents are divorced but we are all living together because of this crappy economy. I mean they still love each other (hence the kid). So basically me, my sister, my mom, and my dad live together and he's as he says "over runned by girls". So yeah he's happy about having another dude.

Ooo and yeah again if you read my other journal you know about a boy I said I didn't like. Yeah well turns out I like him BLARGH! I hate liking people I don't know why I just do I always have. So basically anyway he said something that had me giggly and honored yet confused at the same time.

I know he was being nice but it still made me happy. So basically in class we started talking about colleges. I mentioned I love UCLA (WOOHOO BRUINS!) and he likes USC. So we started arguing about who was better. So he then says " Nope the bruins stink and their bear is ugly you aren't but the bear is."

Ok like I said before I know he's just being nice but that just really smile. Now I don't think that means he likes me I'm not one of those girls. But kinder through sixth grade the only people who have told me i'm pretty is my family and their friends. I've had kids kinder through sixth yell "Youre ugly go away and don't talk to me" just because I asked for help on classwork. So I was kinda giggly.

Ok let me see what else? Oh yeah my friend and I had an epic texting fight. It all started when
she said "I wonder why they call pineapples pineapples." i replied "The pine and apple had a
baby that took after the pine but it's a fruit" So she argued that isn't the reason while I argued it
was. So she made it seem like we were in an old cowboy stare off with tumbleweed an

She then made the serious cowboy music play you know the one that starts before they start shooting. So I turned it into square dancing music and acted like I hooked our arms together
which she tried pulling away from but then I super glued our arms together. She then acted like
she got a meat cleaver and cut my arm off but I grew another one back so it's fine.

Jeez I'm a weirdo huh? I know right hahahaha. Oh my other friend also tried to kill me during PE yesterday. Now I'm not one of those girls who is scared of the ball and runs from it but she kept spiking the volleyball at me. We then played badminton with our other friend (the one I had
the texting battle with) and a shy girl I told to join us since we needed four for a group.
So me and texting friend started getting competitive and it was mostly us playing. But she won
so I'm mad about that >:|

Yeah so that's done oh yeah another thing my grandma (dad's mom) came from Arizona to visit us in LA with her sister and her sister's son for her birthday yay (did you sense the sarcasm?). Ok so my six year old impressionable sister is excited because when my grandma goes out (all
the time) my grandma buys her stuff. Yes my sister is materialistic but I'm not we are complete opposites which is why I'm glad I'm getting a little brother but that's beside the point.

Why am I not excited you ask? Well because this grandma always criticizes me for every single thing. What I wear, how I wear my hair, what I do or don't do. It's annoying and never ending.
"Logan don't whistle young ladies don't whistle inside". Yeah well young ladies don't burp and
think it's funny, try to blow things up, or play Halo and Call of Duty or any other games like that
constantly. Now I'm not saying all girls are like and if you do those things that I do then you're
awesome! But I'm just tired of being criticized!

Oh yeah not to mention she told the family I was gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that
but I'm not. Just because I wear baggy clothes with hats and dint wear dresses, skirts, anything
revealing, or makeup doesn't mean I'm gay. Again not that there's anything wrong with that but
it's something I'm not. To me being called something I'm not is like being called the wrong

BLARGH! Ok I'm sorry for that whole rant there it just irritates me. So now I'm just waiting for
hockey and basketball to come on. Ok so now I'm gonna go. THANKS FOR READING!!!!!


1. Do you have annoying family members?

2. What's your favorite food?

3. HOW ARE YOU?!!!


1. YES!!!

2. Anything edible really minus asparagus, mango, and coconut bleh

3. Honestly fine I've avoided my grandma
March 14th, 2010 at 12:45am