You’re too young to know what that means

That’s exactly what James said to me Thursday night at work.
A large meats popped up on the make line screen at work. He told Manda that there was a large meats to be made; I processed to start laughing about it. James then told me that I was too young to know what that meant. Manda pointed out to him that I was going to be eighteen soon. James kind of freaked out when she said that.

He then spent like the next fifteen minutes telling me random things about what I could do once I turned eighteen, including: buying smokes, lotto tickets, and going to strip clubs. I laughed about the strip club thing and he told me he didn’t know how I got off, a whole new world opens up when you turn eighteen.

James also told me he wanted to have me teach him how to Tap dance. So we decided that James and I would tap and Jeff would play the spoons for us.

Gosh, I’ve grown so close to these guys, that when I do leave I’m gonna miss them like crazy.

I got on face book this morning and saw Manda’s status updated. James and his gf had their baby this morning at five. She’s so little and adorable. James is gonna be a good dad to Baby Angie.

Have you ever had a dream that seemed too much like real life?
I had one of those this morning. In it I was playing with these mouse/hamster things and I put them in a cage thing and then turned around. There was like a playground over to the side. I went over there and was goofing around on one of the swing and then got off. Gabe Saporta was there for some reason and we were either dating or really liked each other. I ended up getting on his lap, facing him, awhile he was swing. Then started like biting and licking his neck and he started kissing my neck and pressing up on me.

God, it seemed so real, it’s still in my head like something that really happened. He felt so real, you know. I miss it.

Half of my bedroom walls are now covered in posters. It looks really cool.

Would anyone here make or teach me how to make a new profile background? I really would like a new one, but can’t figure out how to make one.
March 14th, 2010 at 04:38am