Some boys dont understand.

Kay, so my friend was texting me earlier while i was going through misery.
Well she was saying how she liked her best friend, but he liked another girl, and he always talks to her about how the girls pretty and stuff. and she was feeling heartbroken.

Well, i told her just to tell him that you love him, and she kept saying that she tries but he always thinks she`s joking.

Some boys dont understand how hard it is to be a girl, and to try to tell the boy you love them, and they think your kidding or dont belive them. Or how much it hurts a girl that the guy you like or even love is talking about another girl and how hot she is.

Some girls, when they hear that a guy likes really skinny girls with mini skirts and tight tops. Thats how they try to be, to impress the guy.

I guess what im trying to say is, dont ever try to change who you are. and never try to be someone your not. its not worth it trying to impress a guy, with changing who you are, cause if you do then thats how the guy will think thats who you are for the rest of the time he knows you. its better if you show him the real person in the human body.

Who cares if your, dorky or you think your not pretty, your you. and no one should ever change that. and if that guy you like or love, dosnt like the way you look, or talk or other things, he`s not worth it. no guy is worth going out of your way to impress or to change for.

But if you like someone, tell them. and if they laugh or think your kidding then thats their choice. its better if you say it cause maybesoon they`ll realize that they were foolish enough to not see that they like you.

but the most important thing is.

Your you, No one should change that.
March 14th, 2010 at 08:24am