Miss me till the day i die.

Hello my pretties. =]

I saw the crazies today.
It was so great at the beginning but towards the end I found myself making jokes with my friends and wishing the characters would just die already. All i could think was "Seriously, She screams? .. ugh DIE. Please only the smart ones deserve to live". It's like the whole time the female lead would just do the stupidest things. "honey, I'm going in the back, I'm ganna leave you here all alone during this zombie apocalypse thing, you cool?" the answer should be no, lets not split up, but she just sit there. god, people are so dumb sometimes.
And yes I get that it's not really a good movie if they did all the smart things, because then half the scary things wouldn't happen. But I feel like most of us have common seance and would probably do better than them. But kudos to them. They almost made it. If the Government wasn't such a bitch, they might have made it. But who am i kidding right? The Government is always a bitch.

Although i did have a good time with my friend, it's always a good time with her.

Some guy came up to us and was like "You Blaze?" and we laugh and she's like "No, I'm kind of pregnant." and I'm like "No, I'm her moral support, no blazing while around her" then we proceeded to tell him he was cute while he walked away. =]

they made the mall so crowded , there was some competition or something.

Right now I'm;
having a Doctor Who marathon.
rocking out to Ke$ha.
feeling kind of sad.
missing the city and a boy.

Have you seen the crazies?
Your stand on cheerleaders?
Ke$ha; yay or nay?

this picture made me think of you.

Are you done, congrats.
Here's a Rhino for you.
March 14th, 2010 at 09:56am