My name is Shelby

I'm an insomniac, so when the world is sleeping, I'm awake over-thinking and over-analyzing everything. I find flaws in perfect things, and I worry more than I breathe. My life has left with me images and thoughts I wish I could give back. I've grown up more in the past two years than most do in a life time. I care, even though most think I don't.

I don't know a lot about people, I hardly even know things about myself. My lack of communication really bothers some. But I'm scared, I'm so scared. Of all of the things in this world that can consume and destroy me. And a lot of people can, and will do that. I don't believe in myself, and I know I should start. But my heart is too fragile to take leaps, so I will forever be contained in my invisible cage.

You can judge me all you want, for who I am, and the things that I've done. If that will make you feel better about yourself. I don't mind. Not anymore. Just because I am too scared to take leaps doesn't mean I can't handle what leaps at me. And for those who try to break me, I will be okay. You can't pull me down. You can say the nasty things that you say and they will fly passed me.

I will never deny that it hurts, because it does. All I'm saying is that I will, and can, deal with it. I won't let this world knock me down, no matter what things it puts me through. With my past as my teacher I will keep breathing. I may not be able to take leaps but I can still walk through the fire that this world puts in my path
March 14th, 2010 at 01:23pm