Stuff to do if you're bored :) A cool site

It's sunday over here. And that only means one thing. Ridiculously boring days of nothing and worrying about homework in for the next day.
But I found this pretty good website that will keep you distracted for a while :)
Pointless sites :)
And a few have made me laugh a lot. They're basically just all pages of random things made by random people around the world.

Here's a few of my favourites :)

Is it Christmas?
Bacon or Beer can? -This made me smile.
Squirrel with a gun! pew pew!
Drama button (this is slightly epic)
David Bowie is disappointed in you!
Mathematical proof that all girls are evil :L
So there's just a couple there to keep you amused :) But check out the site, there are loads more.
xxx Pip xxx
March 14th, 2010 at 06:20pm