Remember Me

Well last night I went to go see Remember Me starring Robert Pattinson and Emilie de Ravin.
I was not impressed with the plot line. The ending was a bit ridiculous and they didn't explain why Tyler's (Robert Pattinson) dad was such an ass wipe! I don't want to give away spoilers so I won't go into much detail but I think they could have done a better job of giving a back story about why everyone was so angry. Not to mention I don't think Robert Pattinson's character was at all likable. Hey, he was sweet at times but he had raging violent outbreaks. I would be way too afraid to date a guy like that.

But I was impressed by all the actors. They all did a really good job of portraying their characters I just think the movie would have been better if it had a more solid plot line. Also, this movie changed my outlook of Robert Pattinson. Contrary to what I believed he can actually act he's not just a pretty boy.

So what were your thoughts on the movie if you've seen it?
March 14th, 2010 at 07:07pm