Do People think I Enjoy Being Insulted?

If so, they should know that I do not.
I few moments ago I had a flash-back to when I used to be in elementary school and have a ready buddie, who was in grade 1. I always thought that she liked me, but this is how one fateful day went: (P.S., Autumn=readingbuddie &Sabrina=my friend

Me-Why did you pick me as your reading buddie(Iwas quite curious, since I didn;t know her)

Autumn-Because Sabrina was taken

Me-Oh... why?

Autumn-Because she's prettier.

-Akward silence, while Sabrina giggles in the background-

I don't think she meant it as in insult, but geez. Don't they teach kids not to point out things like that? Yea so I just randomly remembered that today.
March 14th, 2010 at 08:11pm