Teenage Pregnancy

Never would I have thought me, or anyone close to me would have to deal with such thing, until it happened to my best friend.

We're still not a 100% sure that she is pregnant but there's a 50/50 chance that she is.

I'm praying she isn't...There would be so many problems starting with her mother. She said that if Ely (My best friend) ever got pregnant, she would kick her out. And as my best friend I'd bring her in but the problem would be my dad, he'd probably flip out as well.

It feels like yesterday I was 10, still thinking how it was possible boys and girls could like each other. Playing with my barbies. Not worried about my future. Not having to worry about financial problems because my dad wouldn't tell me them.

Just lately things seem to be coming down on us at the speed of light. I think I'm growing up too fast and it scares me. I've been responsible for most of my life but not over big things that could affect someone's future. My dad is having financial problems and I've been thinking about getting a job, which I probably will during summer.

If Ely comes out clean of this one....Mentally none of us will. We'll definetly grow as people. She will be a lot more careful next time, for sure. Even if it wasn't me I'll realize so many things and I won't make the same mistake she did.

Even learning how to drive is giving me that whole "free" feeling but it's also a "you-gotta-be-responsible" pressure and "you-are-growing-up"

I do expect life to be a lot more difficult...I just don't want to grow up so fast. I don't like change and so many things have already changed that make me feel like I'm becoming more independent:

But I'm still happy that my daddy cooks my food and basically pays for everything and gives me everything when he can.

I'm really surprised he hasn't said anything about "growing-up-too-fast". Maybe dads aren't like that.

And Highschool....still a freshman...and Wow...
What people said about it really was true...And you never really know until it happens to you.

3 and a half more years left....
March 15th, 2010 at 03:42am