Religion Yay!

I don't believe in a God. I'm not bothered if you do. But I don't believe in it.

Why? Weeeeeell, I'm a Nihlist. I don't believe in any purpose to existence (sometimes this develops into full-blown solipism where I don't believe in aaaaaaanything at all. Ever. You can't prove it.) and that there is no meaning to life, the universe and everything. Like, our existance (if we exist) is a cosmic accident that will be eventually rectified by the universe: our planet will burn as the Sun expands into a Red Giant as the first phase of it turning into a dwarf star as it is dying. In ten (or so) cosmological decades (which is like 10 million years. Or something. I really can't remember. It might be a billion. I dunno. But it'll be around the year 100 trillion. Yeah. Like in Doctor Who. But unlike Doctor Who, there is no Toclafane or escape. Sorry.) our universe will be initiated (most likely) into a "Big Freeze" state, in which all the stars in the sky will start to die off. Star production has already peaked in our lifetime so there will be a point where no more stars are created. When the stars start to die, the universe will reach a critical point in which all the light and heat will be emitted from black holes. That's a difficult concept, but don't worry, Steven Hawking had issues with this so...yeah. Even the black holes will die: no heat, light or life left. The universe will stop moving: it will be -273C (0K) and all that will be left is rocks in the darkness and the cold.

So, considering all that, there is no point to any human endevour. Ever. No point.

Which is part of why I hate humans. We don't have much time on this earth and we fuck around with stupid, mind-numbing bollocks in order to waste time.

Like Sudoku. There is no fucking point in Sudoku.

Anyway, that is why I do not believe in God. If there is no meaning to life, then there can not be a God.


I'm willing to answer questions. And all that.
March 15th, 2010 at 11:47am